My Projects

sporf landing page

SpaceX Launch Missions

The catalogue of rocket launches of SpaceX company by using its specific API, React and Redux.

sporf landing page

Cosmos Wars

It is an HTML5 space shooter game I developed with a Phaser library.

newsweek Screenshot

Weather App

This is a Weather app created by JavaScript. It fetchs live weather data from Weather API. The project also makes use of Unsplash API to change the background image based on the weather condition.


Restaurant page

A bare-bones website for a restaurant with homepage, menu page and contact page created by using Javascript (ES6).

Full Stack Twitter Redesign

A full-stack application on Ruby on Rails which is a based on a custom redesign of Twitter.

Online Shop Frontend

The online commerce frontend page created by using pure HTML, CSS and bootstrap library.

About Me

I am a software developer with 3 years of entrepreneurial experience, I look forward to continuing my career in Full-Stack Development by learning and working with driven and successful teams, while expanding my fluency in multiple programming languages. Currently, I am working on web development projects in Microverse School by pair programming 8 hours a day by using Ruby on Rails, ES6, React, and so on.

In my spare time, I enjoy cycling, playing the piano, reading books, and research about robotics, ML and AI.

Languages and Tools

HTML/CSS/SCSS, SQL, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Java, C, Git, Mobile/Responsive Development,


Ruby on Rails, Node JS, React, Redux


MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Amazon Web Services EC2/S3, ActiveRecord

Tests and Linters

Rspec, Rubocop, Jest, Eslint, Stylelint

Soft skills

Critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, collaboration, empathy, accountability, and confidence

Get in touch

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects, so if you'd like to chat please get in touch.